A Modern Approach to School Photography


  • Upon initial contact, we will come up with the exact number of days needed based on your school size.

    To avoid major disruption, I will generally come in from about 8:30 to 12:30pm. This allows schools to still have some sort of normalcy for the school day. However, this is always flexible.

    We will book one half day for every 50 students on the schedule (this will vary for large grade schools).

    About a month before the scheduled session the school gets to choose from several backdrops.

    Once the backdrop is selected I will send a flyer to be sent to parents with a photo of the backdrop and suggested color choices for clothing.

    About a week before the shoot I will also ask the school to provide a schedule of students for each day of shooting, along with parent emails so I can send out a preparation email.

    I donate 10% of the proceeds back to the school.

  • This can be a deal breaker for some schools but I do not offer an assistant.

    Hear me out.

    A majority of my schools are ages 0-5. With this age gap there is a huge stranger danger issue. What this means is there are a lot of kids that won’t even sit down for me.

    I have found I have a huge success rate with one staff member being in the room at the time of the photo shoot. This includes that staff member bringing kids to me.

    If I have a large school of Kindergarten and older, I will provide my own assistant.

    I donate 10% of my sales back to the school and it almost always covers the cost of extra staff during those sessions.

  • An individual password-protected gallery will be sent to each family no later than 2 weeks.

    The gallery will stay open for 10 days.

    If families let their galleries expire, there is a $15 fee to reactivate for digital purchase only.

  • Yes! This is a service that is free to the organization if it is needed.

  • Unless there is a large percentage of children out for illness, I do not offer reshoot days. This makes it possible for me to get family print orders out quickly.

  • We can schedule any time during the year. However, I offer priority booking to already established shoots and those tend to be very heavy in the spring/fall season so availability during those months might be limited.

  • Click here to view pricing options